Friday, October 15, 2010

Governor General's Literary Awards finalists announced

The Canada Council for the Arts announced the names of the 70 finalists for the 2010 Governor General’s Literary Awards on October 13. The finalists include authors, illustrators and translators from ages 25 to 74.

The English and French awards are in the categories of fiction, non‑fiction, poetry, drama, children’s literature (text and illustration) and translation. A total of 1,702 eligible books were submitted for this year’s awards, an increase of 161 books over last year. At least nine of the finalists are under the age of 35 and six of the finalists are Aboriginal or from culturally diverse backgrounds.

I would like to extend a personal congratulations to friend Matt James, illustrator for I Know Here, written by Laurel Croza (Groundwood Books / House of Anansi Press; distributed by HarperCollins Canada)

Read the Canada Council's press release on the announcement and the list of finalists.

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