Sunday, July 13, 2008

Redd Kross Neurotica

In 1987, my older sister's friend left us a cassette copy of Redd Kross' Neurotica he picked up as an impulse buy at the counter of a local record store. He said it was either Neurotica or Memoentary Lapse Reason by Pink Floyd.
I remember listening to that cassette over and over again, trying to convince anyone to listen to it, but to no avail. I tried to play it for the cool kids at school, no one heard of them.

Then in 1992, while working the kitchen of a Scottish pub, I heard on the radio that Kurt Cobain cited Neurotica as one of the inspirations for Nevermind.

On June17 I saw the Redd Kross in concert -- with the original Neurotica line-up -- at Toronto's Lee's Palace. It is a rare thing to watch a rock show, where all the cats on stage are smiling ear to ear for practically the whole show.

I'm so glad we aren't talking about Momentary Lapse of Reason

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